Sunset and sailboats on Monterey Bay

Monterey Bay, CA

Monterey Bay, CA
So, it has been almost a year since I last posted anything on this blog. I have to admit, the past year has been pretty crazy with a lot of ups and downs....I have had people ask me if I am still taking pictures because I haven't updated my blog. Whoops! I decided that I had better put some new shots up so that I can prove that yes, I am still around; yes, I am still taking pictures; and, yes, I am still loving it! These shots are just a few favorites from recent trips to the Monterey Bay area in northern California, and to Maui, Hawaii!!! (definitely one of my all-time favorites...). I had a great time in each place for different reasons, and continue to be amazed by the beauty of God's creations. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! Let me know what you think.
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