Thursday, June 16, 2011

We had the best time on Maui. We are definitely going back- hopefully, sooner rather than later!

I love the greenery in Maui- the colors are so vibrant!
More black sand and volcanic rocks
One of the famous black sand beaches- wow!
More volcanic rock- the wind was blowing so hard that my lens got covered with spray, leaving a salty residue. I had to buy a new UV filter for my lens because I couldn't get the salt off when I got home. I kind of like the effect, though.
This is the volcanic rock that makes the southern and western rim of the island.
Plumeria- this is the only plumeria bush I saw the whole week! When I asked someone why there weren't more out, I was reminded that even the Hawaiian Islands experience wintertime. Of course! Why didn't I think of that?

We went down to the beach early one morning, and saw the craziest thing- there were crab tracks all over the beach! This is a photo of a hole where a crab dug itself into the sand at some point during the night. I had never seen crab tracks before! Awesome!
Footprints in the sand....
Hibiscus in full sunlight

More pictures of Maui....

This was a shrine built to honor native deity. I thought it was beautiful.
Hibiscus flower during sunset- see the ocean in the background? I loved the way the colors blended.
The west coast of Maui during sunset

Beautiful, beautiful Maui!

Our first real sunset on Maui- it was breathtaking!
A rainbow on a sunny day- the air sparkles in Maui!
Our first night was rainy- we got a glimpse of sunlight as the sun went down.

I can see why Maui is "everyone's favorite island." That's what I kept hearing when I planned a trip there this spring- I was blown away by the landscape, the smells, the moisture in the air- it was everything I had hoped for, and much more! Along with our planned activities, we went scuba diving in Makena Bay and near Lanai- I wish I could have taken my camera underwater. My eyes were opened to a whole new world that I had only seen in pictures. What an amazing experience- I highly recommend it!

The last of northern California

We had a great time. I love northern California, no matter what time of year it is when we go. There are so many fun things to do and beautiful things to see. I can't wait to go back!
Sea Glass Beach!!! One of my favorite places in the world!!!
I love this shot- it is a stairwell in the bed and breakfast where we stayed in California. I love the way the sunlight meets the lines in the photo.
Point Lobos, CA

And yet even more....

This is a picture of a cypress tree- this grove at Point Lobos is one of two naturally growing cypress groves in the world. It was magnificent, needless to say.
Point Lobos, CA

And still more....

It was a misty day at Point Lobos.

Look at that color!

More images....

More crazy rock formations, Point Lobos, CA
Some crazy rock formations at Point Lobos, CA
A seagull, just hanging out.

Yes, I'm still here....

Sunset and sailboats on Monterey Bay
Monterey Bay, CA
Monterey Bay, CA
So, it has been almost a year since I last posted anything on this blog. I have to admit, the past year has been pretty crazy with a lot of ups and downs....I have had people ask me if I am still taking pictures because I haven't updated my blog. Whoops! I decided that I had better put some new shots up so that I can prove that yes, I am still around; yes, I am still taking pictures; and, yes, I am still loving it! These shots are just a few favorites from recent trips to the Monterey Bay area in northern California, and to Maui, Hawaii!!! (definitely one of my all-time favorites...). I had a great time in each place for different reasons, and continue to be amazed by the beauty of God's creations. I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! Let me know what you think.